Financial & Tax Professionals

CTA Resources - Pricing

CTA Resources


Consultation & Filing Costs
Call us at (480) 780-0140


Core Services

$498 for the initial filing and one year of updates
annually beginning in the second year for ongoing compliance

This service offering includes:

  • Consultation with you to determine initial reportable beneficial owners and company applicants.

  • Data gathering from beneficial owners and company applicants

  • Preparation of the filing for your final approval

  • Submission to FinCEN and proof of filing

  • Access to a portal to view all of your filings

  • Updates and corrections as needed

  • Email reminders to notify us of reportable changes

  • $15,000 Accuracy Guarantee*


  • Maximum of 3 updates or corrections per year

  • Maximum of 4 beneficial owners

  • No Complex Filings (must use Complex Services). A filing is considered complex if any of the following apply:

    • The reporting entity is owned by multiple other entities or there are multiple other entities in the ownership hierarchy.

    • The reporting entity or any other entity that is an owner of the reporting entity at any level is a partnership, LLC or corporation with more than 4 partners, members, shareholders or other persons or entities with profits interests

    • The reporting entity or any other entity that is an owner of the reporting entity at any level is owned by a revocable trust who’s grantors are not also the current beneficiaries

    • The reporting entity or any other entity that is an owner of the reporting entity at any level is owned by an irrevocable trust

    • Exception: If you either personally or through your attorney or accountant identify and attest to the beneficial owners, the entity will not be considered complex regardless of the structure.

Complex Services

$998 for the initial filing and one year of updates
$349 annually beginning in the second year for ongoing compliance

This service offering includes:

  • Consultation with you or your legal counsel to determine initial reportable beneficial owners and company applicants

  • Data gathering from beneficial owners and company applicants

  • Preparation of the filing for your final approval

  • Submission to FinCEN and proof of filing

  • Access to a portal to view all of your filings

  • Updates and corrections as needed

  • Email reminders to notify us of reportable changes

  • $15,000 Accuracy Guarantee*


  • Maximum of 5 updates or corrections per year

  • Maximum of 10 beneficial owners

Exception: If multiple entities all have the exact same complex ownership structure, only one entity will be charged at the complex rate. All other entities will be billed at the Core rate for the first year. Ongoing compliance services will still be billed at the complex rate for all entities.

Add-On Services & Discounts

$49 for each additional beneficial owner beyond what is included in the selected scope of work

$199 for each additional correction or update beyond what is included in the selected scope of work

$249 for an additional CORE SERVICES consultation to determine reportable beneficial owners after a change to your ownership or executive team

$599 for an additional COMPLEX SERVICES consultation to determine reportable beneficial owners after a change to your ownership, executive team or the owners, beneficiaries or control persons of another entity or trust that has an ownership interest in your entity


5% Discount 10-24 entities on the same account

10% Discount 25-49 entities on the same account

15% Discount 50+ entities on the same account

There must be commonality of at least one beneficial owner across entities to qualify for discounted pricing and all entities must be linked to the same account. We reserve the right to adjust discounts at any time for any reason.

*Accuracy guarantee is subject to terms & conditions, please read them carefully to understand your rights, responsibilities and any applicable limitations.